So, what do the leading presidential candidates have to offer? How do they balance individual freedom and national security? Do they grasp the technological concepts? What is their reasoning process?
All good questions, but you may not like the answers.
- Donald Trump – Mr. Trump argues that we have fallen down on the job with computer security. That appears to be true, particularly for Trump Hotels.
- Hillary Clinton – Mrs. Clinton speaks reasonably on the topic, but fails spectacularly in practice, despite having experiencing problems with email security and records requirements in the Clinton White House. The defense offered is that it was stupid but legal, and that the problem emails weren’t marked as classified. (What a novel approach–the violation is the defense!)
- Bernie Sanders – Like every candidate he wants to find “a balance“. Without an explanation of what he’s balancing, and how he would seek balance, who knows?
- Ted Cruz – Emphasizes national security but seems a bit confused on the technology.
- Marco Rubio – Emphasizes national security & seems to understand the technology.